- The scholarship will be awarded to financially needy students as the University sees fit but limited to those students majoring in ministerial studies in both the University and Seminary levels. If there are no qualified ministerial applicants, then the scholarships will not be awarded for that year and the funds rolled over to the next award period.
- The intent of this scholarship is to aid deserving and financially needy students. To be considered as a candidate for this scholarship, the student must meet the following minimum criteria:
- Have applied for and received acceptance at Oakland City University or Oakland City Seminary.
- Have completed by March 1st of the year preceding attendance at all financial aid forms required by the Financial Aid office of Oakland City University or Seminary.
- Must be a full time student pursuing a four-year Religious Studies, Christian Education, Christian Missions, Christian Music or compatible degree offered through the University or Seminary.
- The student must maintain a 3.0 average to continued receiving the scholarship.
The recipients of the scholarship are to be selected by the Oakland City University Scholarship Committee.
Providing scholarships to qualified individuals through Oakland City University